Monday, April 14, 2008

Page two

I was unable to do another blog last week because I have been away until today. But on the other blog is the first rough draft page of my website. This page on this blog invovles my scholarly identity. I go to Pennsylvania State at home, and I have my own identity at school. The identity that I have created while in class is very different from any of my other identities.

This identity is very serious, and very concentrated. But throughout my career the identity has been changed drastically. In the beginning I was a pre-vet major, and so my identity was surrounded by students very different from me. They all grew up on farms, and around animals. I had to adjust my identity to fit in with this group in order to be successful in the major. But during my sophomore year I realized that this identity did not work for me. This is when I changed to pre-dental. This major caused me to drastically change my scholar identity. I had to change more to fit in with people that are more like the type of people that I grew up with.

The new identity seemed to fit me better because I feel more comfortable in this skin. I know better where this identity is going to take me, and this identity seems to flow better with my other identities in my life. It revolves better around my life of extreme, with my family, and with my girlfriend. Now the identity has altered somewhat since I have been studying in Australia, and that is a more relaxed identity that is not as serious because I am not taking my core classes. I am taking electives, such as webart design, that will make my identity more well-rounded and universal. This is a rough draft of the page because I had to use powerpoint rather than photoshop.

(I am unable to upload my picture right now because our internet at home is really terrible. I saved it on a hardrive and will edit this post when I get to class tomorrow. So this post was from Tuesday at 1:30 PM)