Saturday, April 26, 2008


Now that I have learned flash, I can become creative with different animations to improve the technique of my website. I'm thinking that for my family identity, I can have many animations showing how that identity differs from the others.

Another good thing that I can do with the animations is move my text/graphics around just to be able to make everything on the website more visually entertaining. That is what I am most excited about. I was going to include a lot of text in order to explain the differences in my identities, but by making animated text graphics that makes everything more impressive and entertaining.

This website that I found ( have great layering with the varying text. When you scroll your mouse over the different texts the layers change, and the texts get closer or further away. Also when you click on the texts, they get closer, and a picture pops up.

This is another website ( that was really cool because of the 3D graphics that change based on where they are clicked on. I like this system, and will try to maybe incorporate that look into my homepage.