Saturday, March 29, 2008


For another section of my website, I have a lot of information. I have just gotten back from spending 9 days in Thailand. I started out in Bangkok for one night where we saw some of the craziest/dirtiest places in the world. The next stop after Bangkok was Chaing Mai. This was the cultural and most learned part of the trip. Here we stayed in a village about 3 hours in the mountains out of the city. This was a great cultural experience because I was able to learn about how Thai people lived in the mountains, and how everything was just so simple for them and happy.

Before we got back into the city, we took a day to ride elephants through the jungle. Throughout this trip I have traveled on almost every possible type of transportation. We were able to also shop around the night bazaar market, and the Sunday night market when we got back into Chaing Mai.

There are many, many other types of things that I have done on this trip that I can have a whole section on. I am planning on making this part of my website a Thai style of writing, as well as Thai design, graphics and photographs.

Since I realized that I have many different types of cultures, and experiences on this abroad experience, I can have various parts of my website culturally different. They can be very distinct from each other,

1 comment:

Web art & design said...

Hi Scott .. to answer your question ..

You state in your entry:
" My website will hopefully give the onlooker an insight of my persona, and my life abroad, as well as informing people what I did so that they can have the same amazing experience that I am having. For example, here is the 3rd largest bungee jump in the world that I did. It is located in Queenstown, New Zealand and it is called the Nevis. It provides you with the most amazing 7.5 seconds of free fall that you will ever experience. It is unearthly, and cannot be described. But pictures like this can help, as well as a video that I have that I can include on the website. "
The course outline states the theme is:
" “IDENTITY” – identity online or in terms of your personal identity; or perhaps construction of identity. The theme must communicate something around the notion of INDENTITY. Interpret that as you will. e.g. personal identity or persona, online or with differing people – you decide. You may decide to use text or none. It would be best to communicate clearly without relying only on overly obvious interpretations such as “my peronality” etc. In other words it must use visual material / text / text as image to communicate this effectively." "

Whilst I can see you are trying to reflect to some degree on your identity through your travels this seems to be a very loose interpretation of identity. I need you to focus on IDENTITY - not an aspect of what you do so much. How do extreme sports reflect your ID? Does it mean to your identity in todays safety obsessed world? According to the ads, extreme sports are an antidote to our safety-first, shrink-wrapped world. They offer the opportunity to carve your own path and find out where your limits lie. some commentators say that its a myth that 'extreme' sports are unsafe because of the safety gear - my great uncle did rock climbing without safety ropes - today everyone has the safety gear. What do you think?
Think of the theme as one of how ID can be constructed by how we want to be seen (on the edge - living with risk) and why perhaps.
Just an idea.. Use footage from your mobile DVD cam etc or still shots etc .. but stay with the theme

