Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Website rethought

So as I have been thinking about everything that I have done so far while being abroad, I have rethought about what the scope of my website is going to be. I realize that everything I have done being abroad, starting from just coming out here, proves how far I can push myself to try new things, and layout my what my limits are.

For example, as I am standing on the edge of a 134 meter drop I realized that the people working for the company will not push me, but I have to find the will in me to jump. Just coming out here, I had to find the will to come across the world, 20 hour flight away from home. The decisions on where to go in Australia, what to do, how risky I should risk my life, will help to carve my pathway in life.

My outlook on this experience was to let go. My parents are very uptight, and would never do this experience like I have, and I know that I will do anything now on this trip because I do not want to look back and be like "I should have done this, or I should have done that".

For example, I went to Thailand this past week as I talked about in my last blog. I got a chance to spin fire at the bar, and even though I have no idea how to do it, I tried anyway because I realized that there is no other time that I could do something like that. Above is a picture of me doing this. I also have a video that I can put on the website.


Web art & design said...

OK need to read the course outline for this blogs purpose. Not a travel in Oz blog

Web art & design said...

Scott.. following the discussion & clarification in the Wednesday tutorial I feel you will have to rethink your concept as it stands.
The outline for the course gives a clear idea of the project outline. Whilst I do not want to be prescriptive I will need a more refined and developed concept from you:

Here is the project description from the class blog:
Major Web Project: (due week 13) 50 marks
The major web project will be to construct your own site. The site must be uploaded onto the web either via the university or a free provider.
THEME: “IDENTITY” – identity online or in terms of your personal identity; or perhaps construction of identity.
The theme must communicate something around the notion of INDENTITY. Interpret that as you will. e.g. personal identity or persona, online or with differing people – you decide. You may decide to use text or none. It would be best to communicate clearly without relying only on overly obvious interpretations such as “my peronality” etc. In other words it must use visual material / text / text as image to communicate this effectively.

Or creation of an online persona or avatar ... persona
or I wish I was..
Or gaming and ID
Or ways of video bloggers like SHOW in a BOX